SO...... Yesturday i saw the craziest shit go down at the Costa Mesa Park...
I was standing around NOT skating in hopes of gettin a job as a skate instructor.... if such a thing exists!!!
any who.....
3 Rollers (COPS) jump the curb to the grassy park entrances with stragetic timing sending 30 skaters RUNNING to the gates only to be trapped like rats...
ID 's were checked an warnings given out.. OR tickets, i didnt watch too long cause it was FUKKN GAY!!!
No pad enforement by the Nazi regime.. WTF?!! They could have hit some kid in the grass rolling up like that..
IT was CRAZy...
You mean to tell me the city has NO other crime goin on and NEEDS 3 rollers to imply scare tactics to skateboarders?
WOW... i am trippin out....
I didnt even want to skate after seeing that.... Fukin pigs....
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